Welcome Back!
Happy August Everyone!
I hope you’re all enjoying a wonderful summer. Our first practice of the 2016/2017 season will be on Tuesday, September 6, 2016. Doors will open at 6:30 pm and we start collecting membership and folder cheques at 6:45 pm so that we can meet a planned 7:15 pm downbeat. If you are not returning to band this year, can you please let us know so we may take you off our distribution list.
Membership Dues and Folder Deposit. Please bring two cheques made out to the “Gloucester Community Concert Band” with you to practice:
a. Cheque One dated September 6, 2016 for Membership to be handed to Sylvie Ouellet (Treasurer):
$70 for adults;
$45 for students; and
b. Cheque Two dated June 30, 2017 for Music Folder Deposit in the amount of $100 to be handed to Erin Walsh (Music Librarian).
Handbook and Proposed Constitution. Please find attached a link to our band Handbook and Constitution for your reading pleasure. If you have any comments, questions or feedback please be sure to let us know so we may maintain the accuracy and utility of these documents.
Handbook Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-fHfiOFTAHtRktaTU4zZVY0aUE
Constitution Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-fHfiOFTAHtMWV6TDF3SUVTcXM
Both of these documents can be found in the Members Only section of the Band website: www.gloucesterband.ca
Username: member
Password: northisone
Section Leaders – As a returning member should know who they are. If you’re not sure please let me know and I’ll introduce you. Please keep your Section Leader know when you will not be at a rehearsal or performance; depending on where we are in the season it can really us maximize our practice time.
Dates of Interest:
Sept 6th: First Rehearsal
Oct 4th: Bandathon with St Peter’s HS and Band Social
Oct 25th: AGM?
Nov 27th: Fall Concert
Looking forward to a great performance year and seeing you all in two weeks!
GCCB President