Upcoming Dates and Road Show Music

Please find enclosed details for our upcoming Road Show. As the first two senior’s homes are ½ band, Section Leaders please let your members know who’s playing what performance. Please note that both Governor’s Walk and Concert in the Park are full band. All performances will be in band shirts, black pants and black shoes. Please bring your music stands to all performances and bring your own chair to Jacques Cartier Park and Governor’s Walk.

Your Executive will be holding an Executive Meeting on Thursday, May 19th at 7 pm. I’ve attached a copy of the planned Agenda and minutes of our last Exec Mtg for your information. If you have any items you would like to add to our agenda, questions or concerns please let me know as soon as possible. If you would like to attend, please let me know before the end of rehearsal on Tuesday evening.

Upcoming Dates:

May 17th – Spring Road Show rehearsal;

May 19th – Executive Meeting;

May 24th – Senior’s Home performance, Chapel Hill ½ Band;

May 31st – Senior’s Home performance, Portobello ½ Band;

Jun 5th – Concert in the Park, Jacques Cartier Park, 2 pm

Jun 7th – Senior’s Home performance, Governor’s Walk, Full Band;

Jun 14th – Mini AGM and Folder Night and end of year social at Broadway’s.

Road Show Music to practice:

369 – Bright Lights On Broadway

336 – Funiculi, Funicula;

134 – Beatles Gold;

461 – Crooners’s Serenade

330 – Midway March;

278 – Ol’ Blue Eyes;

380 – Tijuana Brass in Concert;

306 – Tony Bennett Unplugged

M6 – An Irish Party in Third Class

M9 – Palladio

M7 – Welcome to the Jungle