Executive Meeting, June 17, 2014


Gloucester Community Concert Band (GCCB)



Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Meeting started at 6:45 pm



Voting Members: Kevin Yamashita (President), Anna Tessier (Secretary), Cindy Shaheen (Vice President), Kristen Parlee (Treasurer)

Non-Voting Members: Lisa Concessi Maclean, Fadi Diab (Conductors)

Regrets: N/A


Agenda Item

Action (if required) and Responsibility

1. Approval of Agenda

Kevin Introduced agenda


2. Approval of minutes



3. Reports:

  1. Band Handbook & Constitution

Handbook is to be updated and reviewed by exec., put up on website and a copy put in everyone’s folder prior to start-up in September.

Constitution is to be updated and reviewed by exec and made available to all band members on the website. Requires review by a lawyer. Cancellation policy to be added. (First drop-in free; next visit fees are due. No payment/ no folder. If you withdraw prior the rehearsal immediately following Thanksgiving Weekend, (Oct. 13, 2014) you get a full refund minus $15 administrative fee; after this date, there is no refund given. Kevin suggested we amend the constitution to state there are to be four executive meetings per year or more as deemed required.


  1. Dates for 2014-2015 Band Year

  • Aug 5, 2014 – Send email to all returning members including survey, fee structure for next year.

  • Sept 2, 2014 – First Rehearsal (folders get handed out; members pay fees/donations & music folder deposit).

  • Christmas Mall Concert & Senior Home Dates: November 26, December 2, 9 & 16th. 7-8 pmish

  • Church Concert – Sat. or Sun. late Nov or early December @ a local church. (Community Pentacostal?)

  • May 2, 2014 – Spring Concert @ Shenkman


  1. Membership Fees vs. Donations

Based on a concern from our treasurer, we will be restructuring our Annual Donation/ Membership Dues. Kristen suggested next year’s fee structure to be:

Adults: $30 fee + $30 suggested donation (with tax receipt); Students: $20 fee + $20 suggested donation.


  1. Website

Kevin requested that Cindy assist Analee in getting website updated & running to include:

  • Handbook

  • Updated Calendar of events

  • Minutes

  • Constitution

  • Contact List

  • Updated photos (Exec photos with names)

Fadi suggested we remove old photos & replace generic pics.



Anna will update current Handbook and send to exec for their input.

Anna to update and send to exec for input. Kevin to review & contact lawyer for input.



Anna to draft email with Kevin and send it out Aug. 5, 2014.



Anna & Kevin to see which dates Place D’Orleans or St. Laurent is available, then contact senior homes.
Kevin to discuss with Gordon.
Cindy to co-ordinate dates with Shenkman.

Kevin to confirm wording of email regarding fee structure with Kristen.

Cindy & Analee to update website.



4. New Business




  1. Kristen will contact Bank contact to have Tyler & Pierre taken removed from signing authority and add Kevin & Cindy to the account.

Kristen to contact Bank and provide required forms.

5. Confirmation of Next Board Meeting undecided

6. Adjournment

Meeting was adjourned at 7:15 PM






__”original signed by Anna”___________                                                                      __”original signed by Kevin”___________

Secretary                                                                                                                                  Chair


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Date                                                                                                                                           Date